
Last updated: 8/20/24 This is our current project list for the 2024 – 2025 year. Project options might change as sometimes things get added after the year begins based on volunteer availability, so check back regularly. If there is something that you would love to do please let us know and we can see if we can find a leader! Sign Ups will be available through zsuite, at the club Open House, or by emailing Ashley Wheeler.

Projects with an (*) are new for this year!

New Projects This Year! Details Coming Soon


*Small Engine Project!

Art Journaling

Leader: Kristin Thomas

Junior Leader: Loie Thomas

Meeting day/time : TBD. 4-5 meetings about 1.5 hours each.

Meeting Location: Del Valle High School, 2253 Fifth Street, Livermore, CA

Description: Art Journaling is a visual diary that can incorporate drawing, painting, collaging, calligraphy, lettering, photography, poetry, design and layout. In this project, we will have different journaling prompts, talk about design aesthetics and members will have an opportunity to experience different types of materials, tools and techniques in this open-ended process.   

Age Limit?:  Ideally 8 and up

Cost : $20 supply fee

Cake & Cupcake Decorating

Project Leader: Ashley Wheeler

Project Description: We will be learning a lot of fun techniques this year! We will start off with the basics , but we will have some fairly advanced projects for the later meetings. All members are expected to bring all supplies to each meeting. This includes a leveled, filled, and crumb coated cake, with a batch of decorating buttercream and/or fondant depending on the project. There will be at least 2 hours of prep time outside of meetings FOR EACH MEETING, so please plan accordingly.

Meeting Days/Times: Spring Project. Will meet on Sunday afternoons, alternating between zoom & in person meetings. Exact days/times TBD. 4 meetings about 3-4 hours each

Cost: No supply fee, but the cost will include ingredients & basic cake decorating supplies (you will be baking your own cakes and making your own frosting)

Meeting Location: Zoom & Wheeler Residence

Age Limit: *9 and up. This will be a pretty fast paced project and will be challenging for younger members. Adults are welcome to stay and assist if you think this will be an issue for your child.

Cardboard Engineering

Project Leader: Kristin Thomas

Project Description: Explore the possibilities of the cardboard box through problem solving, design and creativity. In this project we will tinker, build, sculpt and explore mechanisms using cardboard and other materials.

Meeting Days/Times: TBD. 3-4 meetings about 2 hours each

Cost: $10 supply fee

Meeting Location: Del Valle High School, 2253 Fifth Street, Livermore, CA

Age Limit: Ideally 8 and up. Younger ages are welcome but may require additional support from a parent or older sibling depending on their skill levels.

General Engineering (Lego) General Engineering : Lego 

Project Leader: Jillian Cullins 

Teen Leader: TBD

Project Description: Have fun building with Legos with your 4-H friends! Learn about various building techniques to create projects to share with the group.

Meeting Days/Times: 2nd Mondays of the month 5:30 – 7

Number of Participants limited to: 10

Cost: Free

Meeting Location: Livermore, CA.

Age Limit: 5 and up

A Taste of 4-H -previously listed as “Intro to 4-H”

Project Leaders : Ashley Wheeler & Marion Adams
Project Description: Not sure which project to pick? How about a little bit of everything! In this project we will focus on 6 different projects 4-H offers. We will be making things at most meetings with the goal of entering some at the Alameda County Fair.

* Starts in November

Meeting Day/Time: Wednesdays immediately before the Community Club Meeting. Meetings will be on 11/20, 12/18, 1/15, 2/19, 3/19, 4/16, 5/21 from 4:45-5:45
Approx. Cost: possibly $20 for supplies (as needed or members can bring supplies)
Age Limit: All ages welcome, but will be splitting into age divided groups for activities (Primaries will have a slightly easier version of each activity, or may require parental assistance)

Shooting Sports: Archery

Project ​Leaders: Ren Whysong
Teen Leaders: Ollie S.
Project Description: Members will learn range safety, parts of the bow, arrow, safety equipment, how to repair arrows, maintain the equipment, and of course how to shoot and score targets. You do not need to own your bow.
Ages: Strictly 9 & up (as of Dec 31st) due to 4-H guidelines
Limit: 35.
Cost: $10 fee and members are expected to buy their own arrows (typically $30-$50 for a set of 6). The project has some arrows that can be borrowed until you buy your own.
Meet times and locations: Exact schedule TBD, but most likely Sundays (late morning/early afternoon) at a private home in Livermore. You are not expected to make every meeting, but you are expected to get at least 6 hours of target practice to complete the project with 100% attendance.

Dance: Square Dance

Project Leader: Margaret Miller
Teen Leader:
Project Description: Learn basic square dancing and some western dancing. Returning members will learn more advanced calls and additional line dances. This is a county wide project open to the entire family. New classes start September 6.
Project Website
Meeting Day/Time: Thurs 6:30-8:15 pm
Meeting Location: Currently in Springtown, may move to Del Valle High School 2253 Fifth St Livermore in the Fall.
Approx. Cost: $10 per month. Age Limit: 8 years and up.

Public Speaking: Presentations

Project Leader: Rich Hunt
Project Description: The ability to give excellent presentations is a key life skill. In this project, you will prepare and practice a 4-H presentation to give at Presentation Day. Become a confident public speaker and earn credit towards your star ranks!
Meeting Day/ Time: Meet Nov-Feb on weekday evenings.
Meeting Location: Del Valle High School & The Livermore Library
Approx. Cost: $10 for poster board
Member Limit: 10.
Age Limit: 4t​h​ grade and up.

Aerospace & Rocketry

Project Leader: Alex Walden

Project Description: The rocketry project will focus on assembling a model rocket from a kit. Depending on group interest more advanced kits may be added. The 4-H members can paint and decorate their rocket , and can attend one or more rocket launches scheduled on Saturday mornings in the spring. Rockets can also be entered in the Alameda County Fair next summer.

Approx Cost: $15 + for rocket kits

 Ages: All

 Meeting Day/Time: Monthly

Meeting Location: Del Valle High School

Junk Drawer Robotics

Project Leader: Ron Tanikawa

Project Description: TBD

Approx Cost: TBD

 Ages: 10 & up

 Meeting Day/Time: Monthly on Thursdays from 7-8pm

Meeting Location: Del Valle High School

Table Setting

Project Leaders:  Anna and Angela Richards
Teen Leader and/or Junior Leader: We Welcome anyone who is interested and wants to help lead the project.  You need to contact us by 12/3/23 so you can help plan project meetings.
Project Description: We will be exploring table settings and you will create one you can enter at the Alameda County Fair. 

Meeting Days/Times: Monthly on Wed starting in January 4:30-6:00  

Meeting Location:  Del Valle / 5th street – Livermore
Cost: Whatever you spend on your table setting.  Table setting items can be new, used, purchased, or borrowed.

Age Limit: 9 and up.

Fiber Arts

Project Leader: Dara Gribi

Teen Leader:

Project Description: Learn to create crafts that use fiber as a medium. Mainly learn to needle felt relief and sculptures but may explore other types of fiber arts.

Meeting Days /Times: TBD

Number of Participants: 6

cost : TBD

Age Limit: 12 & up (or younger with leader approval)


Project Leader: Dara Gribi

Teen Leader:

Project Description: Learn to collect, identify, care and possibly mount insects. Learn about insect’s individual traits and habitats, and their relationship with humans in their uses and control.

Meeting Days/Times: TBD

Number of Participants:

Cost: TBD

Age Limit: None

Project Leader: Mike Lawrence

Project Description: We’ll work on identifying

  • Safety equipment
  • Tools
  • Types of Engines
  • Engine Components

Kids will learn about the above list, then tackle an engine teardown and reassembly! Lastly they’ll get to start the engine!

Day/ Time : TBD

Number of participants : 8


Bees (Beekeeping)

Project Leader: Mark Weise
Junior Leaders:

Project Description: We will learn about bees and the challenges that they face in today’s environment. We will visit hives and taste the fruits of their labors. ​We will be establishing and caring for hive bees at Hagemann Ranch.
Approx Cost: ​$15 for protective gear and care of bees.
Ages: 9 & up.
Limit: 15.
Meeting Day/Time: Project will be mostly in the Spring when the bees are more active
Meeting Location:Hagemann Ranch

Cavies (Guinea Pigs)

Project Leader: Ashley Wheeler
Teen Leader:
Project Description: Have fun learning about cavies with us! Cavies are also known as guinea pigs. We will learn showmanship for cavy shows and the county fair as well as how to properly care for your animals. It is recommended that kids in the project have a guinea pig, but it isn’t a requirement. We can also help with choosing a cavy if you would like to get one but don’t have one by the beginning of the project.
Approx Cost:​ ​none
Meeting Day/Time:​ ​Likely Monday afternoons
Meeting Location: Wheeler Residence
Member Limit: 12
Age Limit: none

Dog: (Training and Care)

Project Leader: Laura Finco
Assistant Leaders: ​Kristen Salcedo​
Teen Leaders: OPEN
Project Description: This project focuses on training our dogs to be canine good citizens. The goal is to exhibit in the county youth dog show at the Alameda County Fair in obedience, Rally, agility, and junior showmanship. Anyone interested in learning good dog skills is welcome. Members will be encouraged to participate in the County Dog Medalist program. Dog ownership is preferable.
Ages: 9-19 years.
Cost: minimal, depending upon level of participation.
Required Equipment: flat collar, training collar, six foot training leash (preferably cloth or leather) with the option of showmanship collar and leash; water bowl, treat bag, and treats for outdoor training classes.
Meetings: Tentative, usually Thursday afternoons 5:15-6pm with the advanced group going a little longer. Meet at ABBA Dogs training yard in Springtown.

Equine – Horse (Beginning)

Leader: Stephanie Rawlins
Assistant Leader: Donna Costa
Teen Leader:
Project Description: Meetings will cover health and well being of a horse, conformation/breeds, grooming, equipment, riding gaits/ability, Western/English horsemanship, play days, how to trailer a horse and guest speakers. You do not need to own a horse to participate in this project. Most of the horses we work with are rescue horses. This project is more about basic horsemanship than showing, so preparation for the ​4H​ Horse show is not the main focus.

Location: Hagemann Ranch

Day/Time: 3rd Sunday of the month 2-3pm (weather permitting)

Age: Strictly 9 & up (as of Dec 31st) due to 4-H guidelines

Equine – Horse: Advanced Horse

Leader: Ashley Wheeler
Teen Leader: Alexandra W.
Project Description: Meetings will cover in more depth all items listed in Beginning Equine. This project is more focused on showing horses and higher level horse education. Members should have a horse (leased or owned) to participate in this project. We will be participating in Horse Field Day and competing at the Alameda County Fair 4-H Horse Show.

Ages: Strictly 9 & up (as of Dec 31st)
Cost: none
Members should have boots (preferably cowboy boots or riding boots) and a protective helmet. This project meets once a month in Livermore.

Goats (Angora) *

Leader: Dara Gribi

Project Description: The angora goat project is for youth who wish to learn about and raise Angora goats for fiber. Other non-market goat breeds may be considered if there is a strong interest. You do not need to own a goat to participate. We will be learning all aspects of raising Angora goats including basic management and health practices, selecting, nutrition, parasite control and disease management, reproduction, shearing, and mohair evaluation and processing.

Ages: 9 & up.

Meetings: TBD

Poultry (For Exhibition)

Leader: Kristen Salcedo

Poultry For Exhibition- In Person

Project Description: Purebred bantam chickens are encouraged but not required. Learn how to choose a bird, showmanship procedure and common showmanship questions. See how good feeding, cages, grooming and training can improve your showmanship. Contact Leader ( for dates and locations so you can acquire project animals.

Ages: 9 & up.

Meetings: Mondays once a month

Member Limit : 8

Contact Leader ( for dates and locations so you can observe for fall shows.


Rabbit with Ribbon
Best of show

Leader: Dara Gribi ​
Teen Leaders:
Junior Leaders:
Project Description: This is a show project only, members must either own or plan on purchasing a show rabbit prior to ownership cut-off date Fair and/or Open shows. Members may raise animals for market, fur or show. Members will learn the different breeds and varieties of rabbits, proper feeding and grooming techniques, be able to identify rabbit equipment, as well as design a plan for preparing rabbits for show and proper rabbit showmanship. Members will be required to attend at least one ARBA show outside of fair.
Ages: All ages.
Cost: $20 for education supplies and project own equipment.
Meets: Meet 1s​ t​ Wednesday, 6:30 Del Valle High School / Zoom

Dog Care for Primaries – In Person

Project Leader: Kristen Salcedo

Project Description: Dog ownership not required. Learn the basics of dog breeds, ownership, grooming, and health. Members will be encouraged to enter a fantasy pet or poster in the Alameda County Fair.

 Meeting Day/Time: Monday afternoons (30 minutes) parent participation encouraged

Approx. Cost: Minimal

Member Limit: 6

Age Limit: 5-8

Poultry for Primaries- In Person

Project Leader: Kristen Salcedo

Project Description: Pure bred bantam chicken ownership is encouraged but not required. Learn basics of chicken ownership, show prep, and health. Members will be encouraged to enter showmanship or poster in the Alameda County Fair. 

Meeting Day/Time: Monday afternoons (30 minutes) parent participation encouraged

Approx. Cost: Minimal

Member Limit: 6

Age Limit: 5-8

County Wide Projects

***To join a county wide project you need to select “County Wide” as a club to see the project options on 4honline. You will then need to contact the project leader and your club leader because the online system doesn’t give them a roster for county wide projects. ***

Rising Stars – County Wide Project – Virtual 

Project Leaders: Barbara Butko

Project Description: Design and execute an outreach project to bring awareness of 4-H to the community. Activities could include planning and work parties and related field trips. Learn teamwork,    leadership, public speaking and citizenship.

Ages: 11 – 14 years old or 6 th – 9 th grade,

Meet: First Thursday of each month @ 6:30 in Hayward

Location: 4-H office in Hayward

Guide Dogs

Project Leader: Joelle Cook

Project Summary: Guide Dogs for the Blind harnesses the power of partnerships—connecting people, dogs, and communities—to transform the lives of individuals with visual impairments.

You see a puppy, a person who is blind sees the world! Volunteer puppy raisers receive a pup when they are approximately 8 weeks old and will teach them house manners, provide socialization experiences, and prepare them for their future career as a guide dog, breeder, or K9 Buddy. Each pup will return to one of our two campuses for formal guidework training when they are approximately 15 months of age. Guide Dogs for the Blind (GDB) will support you throughout the entire puppy raising process, step by step!

Ages: 9 & up to be a puppy raiser

Meeting dates/times : TBD

Meeting Locations: Varies
